2024, Use of Force On-Demand


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Don’t Miss:

  • The riveting presentation about surviving the aftermath of being shot on duty by Ashley Ferris (former Lakewood, CO Police Agent) and Commander Rancy McNitt (standing ovations are common following their presentation).
  • How developing a mindset of inquiry (listening to stories) improves decision-making and understanding.
  • How law enforcement managers can improve their use-of-force analysis of events that impacts training, policy, etc.
  • How “Qualified Immunity” protects law enforcement officers, and how it can help you avoid 1983 civil liability.
  • How to improve agency data collection, analysis, and make data-driven decisions to improve decision-making, training, etc.
  • How to avoid “land mines” found in the 2023 IACP Model Policy on electronic control devices.

You’ll learn how to improve your decision-making, protect your career, and save lives. You’ll also stay on top of the latest use-of-force case law, real-world incident reviews, policy suggestions, and investigation strategies for your law enforcement agency or legal practice.

​This practical, timely, and topical seminar is instructed and facilitated by an invitation-only community of legal and law enforcement experts who, “Talk the talk and walk the walk.” One or two people cannot have the required breadth and depth of these AELE presenters, who dovetail and share their experiences from both large and smaller agencies scattered across the United States. Back home, you can share what you have learned from these informed presenters, and from other attendees who often share their experiences during the seminar, during lunch, and after hours, making this one of your best educational and networking experiences.

Snapshot of Faculty and Topic

A. David Berman, M.S.
– Impact Munitions: Guidelines, Training, Facts, and Myths John Black, Ph.D.

– Information tells a story – Do you know how to listen? How to Choose the Mindset of Inquiry

“JEB” Brown, Esq.
– Use of Force Review

Ashley Ferris and Commander Randy McNitt
– The Belmar Shooting: A Cross-Jurisdictional Crime Spree and Lessons in Officer Resiliency

Honorable Curtis Gomez
– Qualified Immunity: Standard for Officers Avoiding Section 1983 Liability

Sergeant Jason Louis
– Use of Force Analysis for Law Enforcement Managers

John G. Peters, Jr., Ph.D.
– It’s Still A Medical Emergency!!

LAPD Deputy Chief Kris Pitcher
​- Critical Use of Force, Investigations, and Adjudications

Darrell Ross, Ph.D.
– Managing Use of Force and Supervisory Liability

John Shtir and Corina Shtir, Ph.D.
– ​The impact of collecting and analyzing agency data on decision-making, training, and other critical issues. Please note that trial schedules and other unforeseen events may require us to substitute speakers with comparable expertise.

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