2024, Jail and Prisoner Legal Issues Seminar


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Correctional litigation is exploding, putting liability spotlights on jails, correctional officers, trainers, less-lethal tools, policies and practices, not to mention full and complete transparency demands that are at an all-time high. Jail operations are under the microscope. This AELE seminar provides up-to-date legal and other critical information about jail risk management and organizational issues that impact the daily work environment … think, social media texting by correctional officers! This seminar uses actual video incidents as case studies to introduce and analyze critical risk management and operational topics that will highlight important issues and how evidence-based resolutions are applied. This is the most evidence-based Jail and Prisoner Operational and Legal Issues seminar available.

Professional training and education are key components to managing risk and achieving and maintaining a progressive Jail and/or Sheriff’s Office. World-class presenters who are knowledgeable and proven in their respective fields will share their knowledge and insights about timely jail legal and operational issues.

Learn the latest information about officer-associated in-custody deaths that can cost millions of dollars to defend, settle, or often results in nuclear verdicts. Check the AELE website for a full list of seminar topics: www.aele.org

Tuition): $795 per person. Includes instruction, seminar materials, and certificate.

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